Become an Academy Governor

Exceed Learning Partnership Trust is seeking to recruit new members to join the local governing bodies of its academies. 

Governing Bodies are made up of volunteers from the Community, Parents, Staff, Partnership Governors and Local Authority Governors. Individuals may come to us through a variety of routes and with a range of different backgrounds, skills and experiences and work together for the benefit of the academy, becoming the link between the academy and the community that it serves. If you are interested in joining one of our Governing Body teams we would be delighted to hear from anyone who has:

  • A commitment to improving education for all pupils
  • A commitment to the academy’s vision and ethos 
  • An interest in the performance of the academy
  • A desire to contribute to and represent the community
  • An open and enquiring mind
  • The ability to look at issues objectively
  • The confidence to ask questions and join in debate
  • A willingness to listen and make informed judgments
  • The ability to work well with others
  • Time to spare
  • A child or children currently attending that academy (essential for elected Parent Governors, although Community and Partnership Governors may also have children at the academies) 

If you match the above description, you may be the very person to become a Governor at an Exceed Learning Partnership academy. Everyone has something to offer and we want people from as many backgrounds, and with as wide a range of interests, as possible.

What can we offer? 

  • A chance to develop skills in strategic management
  • The opportunity to work within our team of governors and staff in improving our academies
  • Training to develop an understanding of specific academy management issues
  • A sense of achievement in making a difference to our academies
  • The pleasure of helping students reach their potential 

What is the Governing Bodies’ Role?

The Governing Bodies of our academies play a key role in:

  • Setting targets for raising standards of educational achievement
  • Monitoring progress towards meeting these targets
  • Finding the right balance between supporting and challenging the performance of the Principal and therefore the performance of his/her staff and the academy as a whole
  • Deciding policy and future development plans
  • Upholding good governance and working towards the success of the academy 
  • The members of a Governing Body work together as a team:
  • There are a minimum of six meetings of the Full Governing Body each year
  • Governors work in smaller working groups, looking at specific areas of academies’ work in more detail
  • Some governors have specific responsibilities e.g. Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding and Health & Safety
  • In addition to a full and detailed induction programme, all governors have the opportunity to undertake further training to build on existing skills or to help develop new ones 

Core Principles & Objectives

At Exceed Learning Partnership our motto is: 

  • We all share a relentless drive to support every child to make better than good progress in their learning to reach their full potential – Raising Standards
  • Have the highest expectations of all children and staff – Raising Expectations
  • Ensure all children become highly motivated and can challenge themselves to meet high expectations and aspirations – Raising Aspirations
  • Help children develop high self-esteem; respecting and taking responsibility for themselves, others and the environment – Raising Confidence
  • Recognise and reward success – Rewarding Success
  • Deliver consistently high quality lessons which enable students to learn well – Teaching and Learning
  • Develop independent learning, communication, literacy and numeracy skills across all subject areas – Core Skills
  • Provide a creative and challenging curriculum which is personalised to meet the needs of all students – Curriculum
  • Create a variety of opportunities to promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development – SMSC
  • Learning partnerships between academy, home and the community – Community Cohesion 

If you are interested in becoming an Academy Governor, please contact Andy Hibbitt, Chief Operating Officer, Exceed Learning Partnership for further information and an application form: 


Trust Office: 01709 805175

Mobile: 07384 117065